C0200 Mazda Verisa is a DTC or a diagnostic trouble code. It is a check engine light code which indicates that the catalyst's system efficiency is less than the required threshold. In simple terms, it means that more pollution is added into the air than what was supposed to be because of your car. The PCM then uses this data to provide the right strategies for the fuel delivery and ignition timing of the engine.
Possible Causes :
If the scan tool has that capability, and the scan tool can operate the IMRC valves, then the problem is either resolved and a simple code clearing is all that's left or a new PCM would be called for. Look for missing ground strap or a rusty ground where the fuel tank is grounded to the frame. Check for damage to the wiring harness connector. Oxygen sensors signal the engine management computer the amount of oxygen present in the exhaust, which is used in determining and controlling the fuel ratio.
Diagnostic trouble code C0200 Mazda Verisa is not difficult to diagnose and repair. Thus, it always pays to have a qualified technician to look after your vehicle should this error code arise.
Diagnosing this code requires the engine to be in good running shape, without unmetered air entering the engine. If other codes that relates to misfiring condition, lean running or air entering the engine is present, then you must first fix those error codes before C0200 Mazda Verisa.
Fortunately, C0200 Mazda Verisa is a fairly common OBD code, meaning that it applies to all makes and models of vehicles made after 1996.