C0136 Zotye Z10hy7d Diagnostic Trouble Code

C0136 Zotye Z10hy7d code definition:
C0136 is a kind of OBD-II Diagnostic C-Chassis Diagnostic Trouble Code for Zotye Z10hy7d.

C0136 Zotye Z10hy7d is described as Oxygen Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1, Sensor 1). This means there's a problem in the front oxygen sensor on Bank 1, as the O2 sensor is inactive. Other serious codes may cause this code to pop up, and they may come with dangerous drivability issues that may expose you to safety risks and cause damage to the engine in the long run.


Symptoms of a C0136 Zotye Z10hy7d diagnostic trouble code may include:
Place of C0136 in engine

Possible Causes :

  • The Mass Airflow sensor will also cause this problem. Mass Airflow circuit malfunction.
  • Fuel with a large percentage of sulfur will clog the DPF quickly
  • Low fuel pressure caused by a clogged filter, failing fuel pump, failed fuel pressure regulator or clogged or leaking injectors.

Common Misdiagnoses

  1. Control Module Throttle Actuator Position Performance Problem
  2. Air Conditioning (A/C) Clutch Feedback Circuit High Voltage Problem
  3. Cruise Vehicle Speed/Set Speed Difference Too High Problem
  4. Kick-Down Switch Failed Short Problem
  5. Park/Neutral Postion (PNP) Switch Circuit Engine Torque Signal Circuit Problem

Repair Processes :

Find out what kind of system you have and verify that voltage to the fuel level sensor is present at the fuel pump wiring harness. If the engine displays a miss and there wasn't a code, determine which cylinder is misfiring. If the exhaust manifold is visible, spay or pour a small amount of water on each cylinder exhaust port. Water will evaporate immediately on good cylinders and slowly on the missing cylinder. If this can't be accomplished pull the plugs and check the condition. If all testing has passed so far yet you still have the same code, check your scan tool and see if it can open and close the IMRC valve.

Process Tips

Diagnostic trouble code C0136 Zotye Z10hy7d is not difficult to diagnose and repair. Thus, it always pays to have a qualified technician to look after your vehicle should this error code arise.

Diagnosing this code requires the engine to be in good running shape, without unmetered air entering the engine. If other codes that relates to misfiring condition, lean running or air entering the engine is present, then you must first fix those error codes before C0136 Zotye Z10hy7d.

Fortunately, C0136 Zotye Z10hy7d is a fairly common OBD code, meaning that it applies to all makes and models of vehicles made after 1996.

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